Leadership Resources

Leadership Tip

How to eye goals sans-burnout

While time and dedication might be the keywords to reaching your career goals, taking much-needed breaks in between can be just the antidote to avoid a possible burnout. So, if you feel like you have much to accomplish in less time, try the following to... read more

Leadership Tip

How to discuss a sudden job loss

Being asked why you were laid off from a job can release a wave of anxiety. How should you handle the question in a job interview? Best to approach the conversation with honesty by sharing the circumstances that led to the decision. The key is to use... read more

Leadership Tip

How to get the pay rise you want

As prices spiral, wages are struggling to keep up. Asking for a pay rise can be tough. We all feel undervalued sometimes, but before you go in with all guns blazing, take the time to work out how your salary really ranks. That way, you... read more

Leadership Tip

How to work your calendar to your advantage

Do you ever feel like your work calendar could use a cup of coffee? The calendar, as a business and an organisation tool, often comes to your rescue as your source of punctuality and productivity. But over the course, the schedule that once worked for... read more

Leadership Tip

How to avoid losing sleep through overwork

Experts suggest your day job could be affecting your sleep. And sleep deprivation can have serious implications in the long run, leading to various health issues as well as impacting your work performance. Here are some ways to get a good night’s sleep... read more

Leadership Tip

How to overcome ageism while job searching

Ageism is an unfortunate reality in the world of work. Everyone has a responsibility to reduce the systemic barriers that pop up in the workforce as people get older. It’s also important to give people tools to help combat ageism while looking for... read more

Leadership Tip

How to deliver an effective presentation

Whether you're speaking to thousands of people from a big stage, or a small group of fifty people in a meeting room, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to giving a talk. There are, however, certain things to remember to help ensure success.... read more

Leadership Tip

How to resign with dignity

Boris Johnson's resignation is a reminder that no job is forever. And leading up to his inevitable decision, Johnson has also reminded us that there’s a lot to be said for leaving a job with dignity. In fact, leaving gracefully and behaving... read more

Leadership Tip

How small changes can help you disconnect from work

We know that working excessive hours leads to exhaustion and impaired judgement. Yet it’s still so hard for many of us to disconnect. Make it easier by thinking small. Rather than trying to modify all of your work habits, find one thing you can change... read more

Leadership Tip

How small changes can help you disconnect from work

We know that working excessive hours leads to exhaustion and impaired judgement. Yet it’s still so hard for many of us to disconnect. Make it easier by thinking small. Rather than trying to modify all of your work habits, find one thing you can change... read more